Becoming Catholic - The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Does the Catholic Faith intrigue you? Baptized but no church home? Never baptized, yet wondering? Our "Becoming Catholic" team can help you answer these and many more of your questions.
How do I learn about becoming Catholic? People can question, search, and inquire into the Catholic faith through a program called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is a journey which leads many to seek full membership in our Church. For others, this journey may not lead to full membership.
Either way, we welcome you to come and see, to ask questions, and to look more deeply.
Our team of volunteers welcome and initiate newcomers through a program of liturgical, spiritual, educational, and social events throughout the year.
Who is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) for? It is for seekers and inquirers who are non-baptized and baptized adults desiring to be initiated and in full communion in the Roman Catholic Church.
During this process, participants are introduced to the liturgy, the teachings, and the life of the Catholic Church.
What happens in RCIA? The RCIA journey occurs over weeks and months. It has several steps:
Pre-Catechumenate - a period of inquiry. It is through prayer and reflection that an individual considers entry into the Catechumenate stage.
Catechumenate - The Catechumenate period is a more intense time of preparation. The individual learns more fully the Church’s teachings and how the gospel message transforms the believer’s actions.
Rite of Election – After this Rite, a period of Purification and Enlightenment enables the person to reflect on the areas of his/her own life that might need to be conformed to the truth of Christ.
Sacraments of Initiation – These sacraments are conferred during the Easter Vigil.
Mystagogy - This period occurs during the Easter Season and involves the members discussing and celebrating the mysteries of the sacramental life.
For more information, please contact Maureen Peltier, Director, by phone at (713) 582-9838 or by email at [email protected].